
Ogoni Media Workers set for election

A three member Election Planning Committee has been constituted  by the National Association of Ogoni Media Workers Worldwide, NAOMEW.

The committee which  is headed by a former President of the Association,  Dr. Godwin Williamson has Mrs . Wendy Lenata Torbira as secretary while Mr. Barry Lema will serve as member.

Inaugurating the committee, the Chairman, Steering Committee of the National Association of Ogoni Media Workers Worldwide, Comrade Christian Saro Ganale charged the committee to ensure that a smooth and credible general election is conducted within the period of two months without any  postponement.

He advised the committee to work as a  team to enable them accomplish the assignment within the set time.

Ganale said every hand should be on deck to see that a democratically elected  leadership is enthroned for the association, promising them of every logistic support for a successful exercise.

Speaking on behalf of the committee,  the secretary Mrs. Nwindi Lenaata Torbira thanked members of the association for the opportunity given them to serve, and that the committee will work in line with the terms of reference given to them.

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